Monday, September 8, 2008

Padre is feeling better!!

I haven't mentioned it until now, but the last couple of weeks have included caring for our cat Padre.  Padre is 9 years old, and is technically Colby's cat (he loves me best though).  A few weeks ago, Padre started peeing on everything.  I thought he had another UTI.  When I came home from an extra 8 hour shift at work, he was still laying in the same spot I left him in and he hadn't eaten since the day before, I knew something was wrong.  I told Colby that I thought he had Diabetes, because he had been drinking an excessive amount of water and the urine spots were very large and numerous (both signs of Diabetes.)  We went to the small task (I only go in emergencies).  The vet told us that he may have Kidney failure, and he was dehydrated.  I gave him IV fluids at home for about 5 days.  The next day, the vet called and said that his blood work showed he was a Diabetic instead. Thanks to Aleks who rode her bike to the vet to get his supplies, we were able to start insulin injections and special (and VERY expensive) new food.  Over the last week, I gave the injections, but Padre still didn't eat.  I was getting very worried about him.  I don't want him to suffer.  This weekend however, our old Padre came back.  Friday he ate for the first time, and started interacting with us again, and by Saturday, he was bugging me to eat anytime he was hungry.  Yeah, our old cat is back.  I never thought I would be the pet owner that went to extreme lengths to save the animal, but when you love em like family it is hard not to.

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