Friday, September 19, 2008

I hate rude kids

Jake and I just came home from the park.  I usually love going with him.  He is so good at making friends anywhere he goes.  Most of the time there are other kids there, and they all have a good time playing.  Not today.  There were about 5 other kids there, and all of them were rude.  Of course their parents were setting in the shelter talking and not paying attention to them (part of the problem I am sure).  Anyway, one little girl in particular was the ring leader.  She tried to tell Jake that he couldn't play on the equipment, because they were not playing with him.  I heard her say this, but Jake came over and asked me if he could play.  I tell him that the playground is not theirs, so go ahead and play.   She tells him again, so I say in a loud voice (hoping the delinquent moms will hear) "they are being mean, but you can still play".  At this point the kids move on, Jake plays a while then goes to play at another part of the park.  He runs up to a little boy and introduces himself, and the kid tried to kick him.  Jake came to me and said "that was not nice"  I told him out loud "there are a lot of mean kids here today, but you can still go play".  No, no parents even notice.  Next, Jake is headed toward a  slide, the little girl runs over and sits in the opening then tells Jake "this is for my friends" Ok, it is time for the mommy claws to come out.  I tell the little girl "No, you need to move.  This is not your slide, if you want to go down then do it, but you will not tell him he can't slide"  she looks at me then slides down.  I had a couple other interactions like this throughout our stay.  Yes, I am that mom.  I don't tolerate rudeness no matter who it comes from.  If your kids are being rude, and you either don't care or are ignoring it.  Don't worry, I'll straighten them out.  Can I just say that if Jake did that, I would have corrected him, but if he did it again, I would have spanked his butt in front of everyone and then we would have left.  If we don't teach respect toward others now, they will never get it.  
whew....glad to get that off my chest.


Cori said...

Yea!!!! I have mommy claws, too. Too bad we're all grown. Remember all the a*# we kicked on good ol' SPS's playground? We could've defended Jake.

Remember the girls who did nothing at recess but walk the perimeter of the playground? Then there was us, chasing boys so that we could hit and kick them, playing basketball....I still don't like boring girls.

Joleene said...

I don't think boring girls like me...It's the wild and crazy that they can't handle.

Leslie said...

I hate rude kids too. Don't even get me started on the kids at the Gardner Pool. He, he, you should ask Melanie about that time a kid sprayed her at the pool while she was carrying Jonathan. She totally chased him down and yelled at him in front of everyone. It was awesome.Lol!