Sunday, August 7, 2011

The value of a day off

I was put on call today! If  you aren't in the medical field, then you should know this is a big deal! It is very rare to have the hospital call ME and ask me if I want to stay home....ummmYES!!! always!  I work EVERY weekend, this is what we Weekend Option girls call "the golden handcuffs". I get to be home M-F, this means no daycare, I am a full time mom, my kids have a parent with them 7 days a week, and I get paid at full time rates. Sounds great right? Well, I work all Saturdays and Sundays, I get 4 days off a year and get to be sick 2 times every 6 months. I literally work 46-48 weekends a year depending on how many times I am sick.  As great for our family as this is, it means that Colby and I rarely have days at home together. We have evenings, but that isn't the same as sharing a day together. I miss him, I miss our kids getting to have days where mom and dad are both home (they are better when we are both home). I miss T-ball games, friends' birthday parties, etc. I would love to to say we are close to being done doing this, but in reality we have a couple of more years.

As a result, ANY time I get a chance to spend an unexpected day with my husband and kids, I'm going to make the most of it.  We did!  we all played on the floor with Callie (who is just now sitting on her own!) We napped, and then went to the park after the rain cooled down the heat some....It was a great day! Jake told me "Next Sunday we should all have another day together!"  Someday buddy, someday!

Crazy hair, but I'm sitting up!

They are "Thor"

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