Sunday, March 29, 2009

Mission: to be the cheapest girl in Gardner!!

Recently I have learned so much about couponing, and actually saving a lot of money buying what you would anyway. I have been reading ads, clipping coupons, and saving some money. Friday, between purchases at Walgreen's and Walmart I saved $46.00. Yep, you read correctly, $46. I am now inspired to continue on this mission, it is becoming an much can I get for as little as possible. So expect to see a lot more posts about grand savings...and if your not using those coupons, send em my way : )


Cori said...

Jo! We are of one mind. I'm reading everything I can get my hands on, and am determined to cut our grocery bills by 30% this month, and eventually 50%. Let's share tips, okay?

Joleene said...

Sure- I went to a class with "Becentsable" and learned a lot. I am just starting my baby steps, they say it takes several months to get a great understanding of it all. I am willing to wait...and be a good student : )

B-Mom said...

You guys should check this website out... someone goes into the trouble to figure out where things are on sale and what coupons to use to get things cheap or even free!

The one girl said...

I admire you guys for doing this. I think about it and get chest pains. It honestly sounds painful to me to clip all the right coupons, go to the right places, select the right products, remember to USE the coupons at checkout, and do it all with kids in tow. YIKES! Hats off to those of you who can do this!!!

Shelly said...

I want to know more, Jolene! :)

Can you point me in the right direction?

Joleene said...

Shelly, I am thinking of having my own "Be centsable" I can hear it again. you can check out their public website at the member site has more info though.

Desiree said...

Check out my reading list - there's this lady that has an $800/YEAR budget for food etc. for her family of four PLUS two dogs - she inspires me and we used TWO coupons at the store yesterday! :-) It's a start and I'm excited! Congrats on your savings! :-)

Cori said...

Hey, I was just coming to tell you about the link on Desiree's blog, but I see she was already here. :)

Also, 2 of my fave find this week: bread outlet stores and Aldi's. Without any coupons, I saved $85.00 from our grocery/Wal Mart excursion this week. That includes food, paper goods, toiletries, and gifts for parties.