Thursday, April 9, 2009

What? am I in High School again?

I have become friends with several people at Jazzercise over the past 2 years.  Most of them have young kids as well. I have also become friends with the mom of a girl the same age as Victoria.  They are both in the 8th grade, and have the same circle of friends.  We all know what that means...fights.  Girls are notorious for their hate/love relationships.  Most of us went through it, and are glad that we made it out.  This friend of mine, had been very supportive of me when I was having a hard time with Victoria last summer.  I have made no secrets that I KNOW my child isn't perfect.  Anyway, I am very thankful of her support, it meant a lot.  Victoria has been back at her school since January, and has had a hard time with being welcomed back.  Her best friend has always had her back, but the other girls depend on the day if they are friends with her or not.  My friends daughter has been one of the hot/cold friends.  She has (according to Victoria) been a large part of the problem.  I have never let this affect our friendship...why should I?  I know she has no control over her daughter. I know for a fact that she doesn't know as much about her daughter's behavior as I do mine (good and bad).  It just never crossed my mind to allow my friendship to be linked to our daughters'.  I found out today that this feeling is one sided.  My friends daughter has recently become the target of the school drama. Of course this drama is all day to day, I never know when it is over.  Today, I casually mentioned something funny that Victoria told me about herself and my friends daughter.  I just meant it as small talk, but she told me "I don't want to talk about this with you" and walked off.  I approached her and told her that I wasn't meaning any disrespect to her daughter.  She replied "there is just too much going on right now for me to talk to you".

WHAT??? I am 34 years old, I don't need to be treated like a 7th grader.  I am glad that she showed her true feelings.  It was fine when Victoria was the target, and I was blowing it off, but apparently my daughter is the only one who isn't perfect.  NEWSFLASH- NO ONE HAS PERFECT KIDS!!!!  and if you think you do, then you have a bigger problem than you think.


Cori said...

Well, as long as she wants to be a 7th grader, let's go TP her house! I'm in! Mean girl/mom.

Seriously, that is so immature.

Leslie said...

I think I know who you are talking about, and I am not surprised.

I'll leave it at that.

Oh, and I am always in for a TP expedition. Just sayin.

Megan said...

That sucks. I can remember my high school friends' parents acting like that when we would fight with each other. As a high schooler, I even thought they were pathetic.

It's like they never matured out of the high school mind set and like to be dragged into their daughters issues. Very sad.

Don't let it get to ya. You're one of the coolest moms I know. Your Jazzercise buddy kind of sucks. (no offense)

Shelly said...

I'm with the others-TP her house!!

Seriously though-I have to remind my Tanner (who is 13) that girls are girls-one day they are going to like you and another day, they are going to stab you in the back. Unfortunately, as you've just experienced, it doesn't stop when your adult.
