Friday, February 26, 2010

I think I'm in a funk....

This winter, my boys have been sick a lot.  When they are well, we go to MOPS every other Monday, and Jake goes to school 2 times a week.  I have been going to the YMCA 2-3 times a week.  I would like it to be 3-4, but life seems to get in the way.  This last 2 weeks, I feel like I have been a complete and utter homebody.  We did go to MOPS Monday, but other than that, I've been here.  I even stayed home from work last weekend.  I woke up Saturday so dizzy that I walked into both a wall and the door.  I couldn't drive to work, so I called in.  It ended up being a Migraine, I haven't had one of those in years. I stayed in bed most of the day. By Sunday night I was feeling much better and ready to get back out into the world. My boys had other ideas.  Monday afternoon, Jake told me "my tummy is sick". He has had it coming out both ends for a few days.  He still isn't up to par. Devon has had several nasty diapers as well too.  I can't take these boys anywhere!  I would love to go somewhere other than here.  Last night I bribed Victoria into watching the boys, so I could go to the Y for 45 min.  It was nice, but didn't quite cure my fix.
Then there is the weather....I love the snow, it is pretty.  If it has to be cold outside, we might as well have snow to make it look nicer.  However.....I view my birthday (Feb, 28th) as the end of winter.  I have always thought "after my birthday is spring!"  I look forward to the park, flowers, in short all things spring. This year this will not be the case!  I have hit my limit.  My seclusion coupled with my imaginary deadline for winter has thrown me into a funk.  I have got to get out of it, but am so far in that I need your help.
I would love ideas on what I can do for fun with the boys when they are well???? I hope next week!

1 comment:

AmyD said...

It may not rate over a 5 on the Fun Scale, but a walk out in the sunshine might do a lot of good. I've certainly been suffering the winter blahs this year.

Inside fun...Have you tried making Bubble Cakes for Woody (and whoever else is having a birthday at the time.) Tools needed: mixing bowls filled with water and a bit of dish soap, hand-crank egg beaters. You won't believe how big the bubbles get!