Thursday, January 7, 2010

I should have seen this coming

Last night while Colby and I were watching a movie, we heard the sound we had been dreading since our bunk bed purchase.  A giant thud, followed by a blood curdling scream.  We couldn't get up the stairs fast enough.  When we arrived in Jake's room, he was on his bed sobbing.  He told us that he was "just trying to hang upside down just like a monkey"  He said that his feet slipped, and he hit his head on the wooden frame that surrounds the mattress.  At the base of the Right side of his head, he has a huge boggy bump (a hematoma).  I am not sure what it is about me or most nurses for that matter, but when it is your kid that is hurt, you think different thoughts.  I thought...."head injury.....CT.....admission/possible surgery"  when the nurse in me should have been thinking "Head for abnormal behavior".
I did eventually come to my senses (sort of) and decide that Jake was not acting abnormal...I asked him if he feels like he does after he spins around the room, he told me "no, my eyes are not going crazy".  He also told me that his tummy felt fine.   Nonetheless, I set my alarm to make sure that I did neuro checks every 4 hours.
He has been fine this morning, complete with insisting that we make pancakes for breakfast....I am glad that this ended the way it did, but am sure that this will not be the last of the possible injury's he and Devon will have. Ahh the joys of having boys.

1 comment:

Cori said...

Every 4 hours? What restraint you show! LOL I've been known to sleep with a kid who bumps his head, or has a high fever, at bedtime.
Sometimes we know too much, you know?
Glad he's okay, though.